I couldn't help myself- this needed to be posted.
Hope today was enjoyed since we won't see it again for another four years .
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
weekly wednesday weigh in
I truly had every intention of hopping on the scale this morning..I really did! But for whatever reason, I never made it over that way. I got caught up in going through wedding photo's (my new obsession) and before I knew it the clock said 5 after 7 and it was time to make breakfast.
I'm not to worried though. I've been staying on track for the most part this week. Cooking at home a lot, eating lots of veggies, and controlling the portion of the not so good for you stuff. Still having that on going battle with the food journal that I never seem to want to write in...when will I ever get the hang of that??
All in all..I'd say I had a truly good week. My first in who knows how long. Let's go for another one, shall we?
I'm not to worried though. I've been staying on track for the most part this week. Cooking at home a lot, eating lots of veggies, and controlling the portion of the not so good for you stuff. Still having that on going battle with the food journal that I never seem to want to write in...when will I ever get the hang of that??
All in all..I'd say I had a truly good week. My first in who knows how long. Let's go for another one, shall we?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
this weekend i...
found my mighty leaf chocolate teas
fell in love with the sky at dusk
went outside in my slippers..more than once
wore my makeup from the night before because I was to lazy to do it again
went to my parents house and had this waiting for me. thank you dad <3
I also spent some time with this pretty girl
and this monster
finally got around to washing 3 weeks of laundry
mostly ate leftovers straight out of the container
and bought this awesome frame from Peter Andrews.
...good times were had.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
the dinner files
I had been compiling a list of dinner ideas and this week I decided to check a few off. My goal- try new things.

We STILL have Omaha steaks left from Christmas and since I was running out of ideas I thought of steak tacos- brilliant! I loveee Mexican. I wanted to do this taco night a little more traditional with corn tortillas, fresh salsa, plantains, and an amazing salad with queso fresco and a honey lime vinaigrette. Plantains came out decent for my first try and that salad is now my favorite thing ever.

This little dish was a risk- it was either going to be amazing or a disaster. The kitchen gods must've been shining down on me that night because it was SO good..and healthy, go figure? A woman I work with told me about a stuffed butternut drizzled with maple syrup she had on a trip to New Hampshire. I NEEDED to know this recipe because the idea sounded wonderful but alas, she didn't remember and I was all on my own. What was left to do but wing it? I opted to bake the squash with butter and brown sugar then stuff it with red pepper, gimme lean (sausage flavor), mushrooms, onion, and cauliflower. Topped it with the key ingredient of maple syrup and proceeded to devour.

I've never roasted a chicken before but I recently stumbled upon a chocolate chipotle rub and smoked chocolate BBQ sauce so I figured I was gonna have to try sometime. I was not prepared for this at all..the only thing I had was a disposable roasting pan and a vague idea of how long to cook this monster. I rolled up my sleeves, covered the chicken with butter and dry rub, and hoped for the best. 2 hours and some steamed vegetables later, the chicken was ready. Once again- success! The chicken was insanely moist (thank you butter) and that smokey sweetness of the rub and sauce made for a delicious skin.
It's so satisfying to finally be cooking food we love and not just cooking food based on convenience. Even though it's way more work, I'd like to keep this up.
We STILL have Omaha steaks left from Christmas and since I was running out of ideas I thought of steak tacos- brilliant! I loveee Mexican. I wanted to do this taco night a little more traditional with corn tortillas, fresh salsa, plantains, and an amazing salad with queso fresco and a honey lime vinaigrette. Plantains came out decent for my first try and that salad is now my favorite thing ever.
This little dish was a risk- it was either going to be amazing or a disaster. The kitchen gods must've been shining down on me that night because it was SO good..and healthy, go figure? A woman I work with told me about a stuffed butternut drizzled with maple syrup she had on a trip to New Hampshire. I NEEDED to know this recipe because the idea sounded wonderful but alas, she didn't remember and I was all on my own. What was left to do but wing it? I opted to bake the squash with butter and brown sugar then stuff it with red pepper, gimme lean (sausage flavor), mushrooms, onion, and cauliflower. Topped it with the key ingredient of maple syrup and proceeded to devour.
I've never roasted a chicken before but I recently stumbled upon a chocolate chipotle rub and smoked chocolate BBQ sauce so I figured I was gonna have to try sometime. I was not prepared for this at all..the only thing I had was a disposable roasting pan and a vague idea of how long to cook this monster. I rolled up my sleeves, covered the chicken with butter and dry rub, and hoped for the best. 2 hours and some steamed vegetables later, the chicken was ready. Once again- success! The chicken was insanely moist (thank you butter) and that smokey sweetness of the rub and sauce made for a delicious skin.
It's so satisfying to finally be cooking food we love and not just cooking food based on convenience. Even though it's way more work, I'd like to keep this up.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
weekly wednesday weigh-in
No, it wasn’t a mistake that I didn’t post a WWW last week. I really wish it was, but I avoided that post like the plague. I know very well that I’m no longer trying and definitely not doing what I should be doing. My dieting attempts have almost all disappeared. There’s only one little glimmer of hope for weight loss success that I’ve been desperately hanging on to for last week or so. I have to start getting a better grasp on that last little bit of effort I have left in me if I have any hope of feeling good in a bathing suit come April.
We went grocery shopping last night and I’m proud to say that 80% of what I bought were vegetables. The dinner’s I’m making this week revolve around vegetables, prepared in all sorts of different ways, and lean meats. Even though I don’t usually jump for joy over vegetables I’m pretty excited for dinner this week. I’m finally getting around to making a stuffed butternut squash (which I’ve never done before but have wanted to for a while), roasting a chicken (also a first time for that) with a chocolate chipotle rub, and decided to play around with baking plantains on a whim.
I wish I could say this week has been all fine and dandy so far but I don’t think at this current point I’m ready to get into the details my shortcomings (all I’ll say is it involved chicken pot pie with extra gravy, a peanut butter cup, and an otherwise healthy egg omelet destroyed by garlic bread). I’m trying to focus on the positive steps I’m taking in the hopes that it will create more positive actions in my little dieting world. My first positive step- saying NO to strawberry fields!
My one big goal for our Valentine’s Day festivities was to have a strawberry fields sundae (originally saw it on the menu at Serendipity3- and I knew that even if we didn’t go there for dinner, I would make it at home). This sundae included a slice of cheesecake and strawberry ice cream topped with sliced strawberries, strawberry preserves, and whipped cream. Honestly, this is not a goal someone who’s trying to lose weight should have and unfortunately, I’m just going to have to put this little dream of mine on the back burner. Maybe I’ll be ready for it in a week or two, with good behavior.
We went grocery shopping last night and I’m proud to say that 80% of what I bought were vegetables. The dinner’s I’m making this week revolve around vegetables, prepared in all sorts of different ways, and lean meats. Even though I don’t usually jump for joy over vegetables I’m pretty excited for dinner this week. I’m finally getting around to making a stuffed butternut squash (which I’ve never done before but have wanted to for a while), roasting a chicken (also a first time for that) with a chocolate chipotle rub, and decided to play around with baking plantains on a whim.
I wish I could say this week has been all fine and dandy so far but I don’t think at this current point I’m ready to get into the details my shortcomings (all I’ll say is it involved chicken pot pie with extra gravy, a peanut butter cup, and an otherwise healthy egg omelet destroyed by garlic bread). I’m trying to focus on the positive steps I’m taking in the hopes that it will create more positive actions in my little dieting world. My first positive step- saying NO to strawberry fields!
My one big goal for our Valentine’s Day festivities was to have a strawberry fields sundae (originally saw it on the menu at Serendipity3- and I knew that even if we didn’t go there for dinner, I would make it at home). This sundae included a slice of cheesecake and strawberry ice cream topped with sliced strawberries, strawberry preserves, and whipped cream. Honestly, this is not a goal someone who’s trying to lose weight should have and unfortunately, I’m just going to have to put this little dream of mine on the back burner. Maybe I’ll be ready for it in a week or two, with good behavior.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
as for the rest of the weekend
Sunday, Ryan and I finally got around to using one of our gift cards from Christmas. We made the drive out to Press195 and I'm SO glad we did...buhbye Panera, this is my new favorite sandwich shop.
I couldn't get over how many choices there were on the menu and I devoured my sandwich so quickly when it got to the table that I almost forgot to document it's awesomeness. All of the ingredients are SO fresh and the bread is just perfect. I know a 30 minute drive is a little far for lunch but I do plan on making the trek out there as often as possible. Next up- any sandwich with that maple syrup basil pesto!
My one complaint? The longer than normal wait for someone to come and take our drink order. But we managed to keep ourselves entertained...
Notice the slightly irritated look on hubby's face that I'm taking pictures of everything, himself included? He tried to get back at me by taking my picture but duh! I love having my picture taken. Not gonna work this time, sweetie pie...
Usually, on a 3 day weekend I like to take the day that I would've been working and use that time to kick back and relax. Not so much on Monday. I had been made aware of a 50% sale at a thrift store I had been itching to get to. Say no more, I'm there.
Woke up bright an early and strategically thought out my outfit. Hair back, comfy hoodie/jeans, croc flats, and a crossbody bag. I was ready for battle.
It wasn't half as bad inside as what I thought it was going to be. I was picturing some black friday-esque mayhem but it was just really crowded.

This place was one of the larger thrift stores I've been to. Aisles upon aisles of books, knick knacks, clothing, toys, and even electronics. I think I made out pretty well..$25 for a cart full of goodies. I even bought a corded wall phone (which would be good to have) for 75 cents. Thrifting was tiring business and I would've loved nothing more than to go lounge afterwards but no, no can do. I had promised my parent's that I would work on taking more stuff out of my old bedroom and move it into the apartment. It took many 5 minute breaks for my lazy self but I managed to pack up about 4 boxes and a few bags. Now, all that's left over there is some more clothes. Not too shabby..
My one complaint? The longer than normal wait for someone to come and take our drink order. But we managed to keep ourselves entertained...
Notice the slightly irritated look on hubby's face that I'm taking pictures of everything, himself included? He tried to get back at me by taking my picture but duh! I love having my picture taken. Not gonna work this time, sweetie pie...
Usually, on a 3 day weekend I like to take the day that I would've been working and use that time to kick back and relax. Not so much on Monday. I had been made aware of a 50% sale at a thrift store I had been itching to get to. Say no more, I'm there.
Woke up bright an early and strategically thought out my outfit. Hair back, comfy hoodie/jeans, croc flats, and a crossbody bag. I was ready for battle.
It wasn't half as bad inside as what I thought it was going to be. I was picturing some black friday-esque mayhem but it was just really crowded.
This place was one of the larger thrift stores I've been to. Aisles upon aisles of books, knick knacks, clothing, toys, and even electronics. I think I made out pretty well..$25 for a cart full of goodies. I even bought a corded wall phone (which would be good to have) for 75 cents. Thrifting was tiring business and I would've loved nothing more than to go lounge afterwards but no, no can do. I had promised my parent's that I would work on taking more stuff out of my old bedroom and move it into the apartment. It took many 5 minute breaks for my lazy self but I managed to pack up about 4 boxes and a few bags. Now, all that's left over there is some more clothes. Not too shabby..
Sunday, February 19, 2012
last night
Usually, for Valentine's Day, we'll always spend the night out. This year we opted to wait for the weekend. Ryan, being the great husband that he is, got tickets to see Avenue Q to celebrate our first Valentines Day since we've been married. Along with the show, we ended up going to dinner at Vnyl. Not my first choice in V-Day dinner spots but it definitely served it's purpose as it was close, didn't break the bank, and had pretty decent food.
We originally had intentions of meeting up with friends or maybe going home and having a few more cocktails afterwards but unfortunately, the fairly greasy diner-esque food made us long for our nice comfy bed. A peanut butter, bacon, and fried banana sandwich will do that to you. Hubby and his um, decadent food choices. When will that boy ever learn?
it's the simple things
The smallest things make me realize how much I love him.
Like when I mentioned that my stupid pinched nerve flared up and he came over to rub my back without hesitation. Or that I was wanting a caramel frap, even though it's 30 degrees outside, and he drove out of the way to Starbucks..when we were already running late.
These little caring actions are the reason why I married this man...
Like when I mentioned that my stupid pinched nerve flared up and he came over to rub my back without hesitation. Or that I was wanting a caramel frap, even though it's 30 degrees outside, and he drove out of the way to Starbucks..when we were already running late.
These little caring actions are the reason why I married this man...
Saturday, February 18, 2012
deja vu
No, you're not seeing a picture from Valentine's Day dinner. This was last night..at our V-Day repeat dinner. I wanted to share the dinner I made with our parents, cuz they all deserve a good meal cooked for them once in a while, but it wouldn't have been so romantic if they all came over on Valentine's Day. That's when I came up with this repeat dinner idea.
I bought enough food to cover 2 nights and since everything was prepped as much as possible this elaborate dinner took maybe 20 minutes to throw together. All it took was some salad chopping, pasta boiling, and throwing the shrimp together (see below for recipe- it's so fancy and takes little effort).
I may make this a tradition because it was such a low key, relaxing night. I just loved how I could serve a semi-elaborate dinner and still be a part of the party since dinner took so little attention. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this whole hosting a dinner party thing. The (not so much of a) secret? Prepping in advance!
baked shrimp scampi-
(served about 7- 5-7 shrimps each)
2.5 lbs of raw (cleaned and deveined) shrimp
1-1.5 lemons
3 large cloves of garlic
4-5 scallions
olive oil
1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs
1/2 c. pecorino romano
2 sticks of butter
1/2 tbsp each of basil, oregano, and rosemary
1 tsp of salt and pepper
Marinate the shrimp the night before in the lemon, chopped scallions, and garlic.
Preheat the oven to 450. Lightly oil the bottom of a large pan (13x10) and sprinkle the bottom of the pan with about a 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs (a fairly thin layer). Start to melt the two sticks of butter. Once completely melted, add basil, oregano, rosemary, salt, and pepper- stir. Lay the shrimp down in the pan in a single layer. Pour 3/4 of the butter mixture over the shrimp. Sprinkle pecorino romano over the shrimp, then sprinkle the remaining breadcrumbs on top of that. Pour the remaining 1/4 of the butter on top. Pop the pan in the 450 degree oven for 15-17 minutes (or until nice and browned) and serve.
I bought enough food to cover 2 nights and since everything was prepped as much as possible this elaborate dinner took maybe 20 minutes to throw together. All it took was some salad chopping, pasta boiling, and throwing the shrimp together (see below for recipe- it's so fancy and takes little effort).
I may make this a tradition because it was such a low key, relaxing night. I just loved how I could serve a semi-elaborate dinner and still be a part of the party since dinner took so little attention. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this whole hosting a dinner party thing. The (not so much of a) secret? Prepping in advance!
baked shrimp scampi-
(served about 7- 5-7 shrimps each)
2.5 lbs of raw (cleaned and deveined) shrimp
1-1.5 lemons
3 large cloves of garlic
4-5 scallions
olive oil
1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs
1/2 c. pecorino romano
2 sticks of butter
1/2 tbsp each of basil, oregano, and rosemary
1 tsp of salt and pepper
Marinate the shrimp the night before in the lemon, chopped scallions, and garlic.
Preheat the oven to 450. Lightly oil the bottom of a large pan (13x10) and sprinkle the bottom of the pan with about a 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs (a fairly thin layer). Start to melt the two sticks of butter. Once completely melted, add basil, oregano, rosemary, salt, and pepper- stir. Lay the shrimp down in the pan in a single layer. Pour 3/4 of the butter mixture over the shrimp. Sprinkle pecorino romano over the shrimp, then sprinkle the remaining breadcrumbs on top of that. Pour the remaining 1/4 of the butter on top. Pop the pan in the 450 degree oven for 15-17 minutes (or until nice and browned) and serve.
Friday, February 17, 2012
all work & no play
Every night for about the last week and a half, I have not been able to sit down in the evening until 8-9 o’clock at night. You would think I have something to show for it but nope, I don’t. Well, maybe a slightly redecorated living room (which took 1 Sunday afternoon) but that’s about it. Life has been filled with errand running and mandatory tasks..I’m starting to despise being an “adult”.
I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel late yesterday afternoon. I was almost done with my day at work and the only there was only 1 task that was in my way..

this lovely mess that needed to be put away in its respective areas. Then after a quick dinner was thrown together, it was time to be couch bound. I was thrilled that the clock only read 7:08 when I sat down. I finally had some time to myself to decorate my valentines day nails

(yea, I know it's 2 days late) and catch up on some quality time with my tv.
I really needed that night to gear up for the weekend. Tonight, I'm doing a V-Day dinner repeat for the parents. Saturday I get to enjoy my valentines day gift & I'm sure Sunday and Monday will be spent doing laundry and moving more stuff into the apartment. Maybe I'll schedule some more time to relax in there too?
I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel late yesterday afternoon. I was almost done with my day at work and the only there was only 1 task that was in my way..
this lovely mess that needed to be put away in its respective areas. Then after a quick dinner was thrown together, it was time to be couch bound. I was thrilled that the clock only read 7:08 when I sat down. I finally had some time to myself to decorate my valentines day nails
(yea, I know it's 2 days late) and catch up on some quality time with my tv.
I really needed that night to gear up for the weekend. Tonight, I'm doing a V-Day dinner repeat for the parents. Saturday I get to enjoy my valentines day gift & I'm sure Sunday and Monday will be spent doing laundry and moving more stuff into the apartment. Maybe I'll schedule some more time to relax in there too?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
love, love, love
That's all I felt today on this glorious Valentine's Day. I can say we both put in a lot of effort to make the day special for one another for our first as Mr. and Mrs.

I was obviously most excited about dinner. It was so worth the 2 days preparing everything to be able to pull this off on a weeknight. And I can't describe my excitement when I came to the front desk at work and discovered roses and chocolate covered strawberries. He hardly ever does that.
One upside to having dinner at home? I didn't have to walk to far to collapse on the couch in a food coma. & yes, I did have a piece of pie and a cupcake. It's Valentine's Day..why the hell not.
We're ending the night curled up on the couch watching the Teen Mom finale..a grown man watching teen mom? Now, that's love.
I was obviously most excited about dinner. It was so worth the 2 days preparing everything to be able to pull this off on a weeknight. And I can't describe my excitement when I came to the front desk at work and discovered roses and chocolate covered strawberries. He hardly ever does that.
One upside to having dinner at home? I didn't have to walk to far to collapse on the couch in a food coma. & yes, I did have a piece of pie and a cupcake. It's Valentine's Day..why the hell not.
We're ending the night curled up on the couch watching the Teen Mom finale..a grown man watching teen mom? Now, that's love.
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