It started with new year’s 2011…celebrating with friends, dancing the night away..
We went on an amazing cruise..our first one ever!
Had some great parties with some amazing friends.
& realized that mini adventures into NYC for something as pointless as donuts can sometimes be the best way to spend a day
Probably received one of the best birthday gifts ever…a surprise trip to Philadelphia for prisons, medical oddities, and cheesesteaks!
Moved out of my parents house to live with my (then) fiancé..
& 2 days later had my BRIDAL SHOWER!
While preparing for my shower, I also realized that I was pretty good at being crafty.
But I didn’t have much time for crafty stuff since I was busy preparing for our wedding…
& honeymoon..
Then before I knew it, it was time for Christmas
And New Years 2012!
A year can surely go by fast when you’re having fun. I wonder what this brand new year will have in store for us? If it’s half as good as 2011, I’ll consider myself lucky.
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