is the question.
start this off by stating the fact that I’m a wee bit guilty of never
picking up my mail from my parents house. That needs to be said to explain why
a month’s worth of mail waiting patiently in a neat stack for me when I went
there the other day is a normal occurrence. Usually, this doesn’t
bother me. I sift through everything, separate the junk from the bills and most
of the time it all just ends up in the shredder. Well, this time the stack was intimidating,
a little scary even. It was a true test of my will power.
why is contained in this stack of mail (besides junk and bills that have
already been paid, thank you very much) were two Delia’s catalogs, two Alloy
catalogs, and one each from Victoria’s Secret, Express, and NY&Co. My
first thoughts were “Really? You have to hit me all at once? That’s
not playing fair…”. Of course this was said to myself, I’m
not that crazy where I speak to catalogs. But yea, I told myself a few
times that my summer shopping was complete, finito, absolutely done-zo! So why
am I still considering buying more stuff?? Oh yea, cuz I have a shopping
problem. Duh. Of course I try to rationalize this decision to buy more by
saying “Well, I didn’t use all my spending money on vacation soooo
what’s the problem?”. Well, problem is I haven’t even worn
half the stuff I’ve already bought and um, a deposit into that savings
account of mine wouldn’t hurt.
now, since I’m feeling all conflicted over more shopping, I’m just
gonna pretend that I can buy all these pretty lil things and wear them happily
in the warm summer sun.
1, 5, and 10 are looking mighty tempting. Maybe I’ll buy just a few things? I
don’t think that could hurt..
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