Tuesday, July 10, 2012

back to civilization

I’ve been back to watching tv, enjoying air conditioning, not having to take a 5 minute walk to pee, clean bed sheets, and spider free showers for a little more than 48 hours now and I’m lovingggggg it.

As much as I love me some clean and comfy amenities of home I must say, I enjoyed our camping adventure way more than I thought I would.

 We got a late start heading out on Friday because packing, gathering friends, and eating 7-11 sandwiches was very necessary


but once we got on the road it was mostly (yea, I’m referring to you Cross Bronx Expressway) smooth sailing.  

Arriving was quite an experience. We were lead down a rocky dirt road by a woman on a 4 wheeler and after a few turns hit our campsite where we were greeted by a few familiar, and already drunk, faces. At that point I figured out our plan of action- unpack and set up tent by lantern light (something I so very badly wanted to avoid but oh welllll), blow up air mattress and make bed (if that’s even what you wanna call it), grab duffle bag (to obtain pajamas) as well as the “shopping bag o’ goodies” (cuz that’s where the vodka was), and party party PARTY!


And party we did…all weekend long. I mastered the art of flip cup, BBQed (and ate) more burgers than I’d like to admit, screamed f*&! Jersey even though I wasn’t sure what it meant, set off fireworks, sang along obnoxiously to every good song that came on, and was very proud that I finished half of a 1.75 liter of vodka without getting sick. Go me!

The highlight of the weekend was hands down rafting down the Delaware river. There wasn’t much of a current so if we wanted to move we had no choice but to row. As horrible as that sounds we tried to make it fun by pretending to be an ivy league row team, and the drinks helped too. It was just 4 hours of pure fun being stuck on a raft with good friends, surrounded by other rafts with everyone else on the trip. Unfortunately, since all of the pictures I took from the raft are still waiting undeveloped on the water camera you’re all just going to have to wait to hear, and see, all the sordid details of this day.

So, in hindsight, all the fretting and prepping over this trip was well worth the fun that was had. I don’t know if I’ll be running out to buy my own tent anytime soon but the camping trip for next year may very well be in the forecast.

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