Thursday, July 5, 2012

camping prep


This is what my life has revolved around lately, and I think it’s because I’m secretly terrified of forgetting something and being stranded up in the woods without it. I’ve been so preoccupied with this upcoming weekend that I kind of cared less about yesterday being a national holiday and all (oh yea.. happy 4th, 1 day late) and my perfect way to celebrate our nations independence was to go to Walmart to buy a mini grill, an insulated tote bag, and a maxi dress…how appropriate.

We did do a little bit of typical celebrating though. Well, Tuesday night we found it necessary to celebrate having a day off of work mid-week and went out for some drinks. I tried new beers and this picture got me a free shot.


Good times. Wednesday night we had a typical BBQ with our parents..I guzzled more peach iced tea and inhaled more corn on the cob than I’d like to admit. I also got a chance (after much help from my mom with loading the film) to play with this new addition..


I got him (since I have Edith, the Sony now I’ll need a boy) as a belated birthday gift from my mom. He’s gonna take some getting used to and lots of trial and error. I shot one roll last night around my parents backyard and I’m hoping for the best. My goal is to use another roll while camping, get them developed, and wait impatiently to see the results. Then I can start fine tuning my skills from there. I did get some instant gratification neighbors kept mistaking his flash for lightning and since I’m a big meanie I made no attempts to let them know otherwise. I finally decided to cut it out when they rushed their dinner inside but I didn’t feel bad enough to stop laughing hysterically, to myself of course.

Ok, back to the pressing matter at hand..what’s left on the camping prep agenda? Well, tonight there’s grocery shopping to be done, the rest of the equipment to be loaded into the car, and then whatever’s not going into the car needs to be neatly arranged so it can be thrown together when I arrive home tomorrow afternoon. Not related to camping prep, I have to dye my hair tonight since these roots are atrocious


And dishes probably need to be done. Oh, and not to mention everyone’s coming over for our normal Thursday night shows.

Busy, busy, busy but it’s all very necessary.

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