Wednesday, September 5, 2012

weekly wednesday weigh in

I didn’t weigh in this morning. There were just an overwhelmingly large number of contributing factors that led to the scale not being touched. The two largest factors included being way too hot to leave my spot in front of the fan and a very needy puppy who wanted nothing more than to play or cuddle, how could I say no?

So instead, I think I’m going to weigh in on how I feel instead. And how do I feel? Not as good as I thought I would after a week that I was supposedly going to count points diligently. But of course, we all know that didn’t happen. I got way too caught up in Taco Bell runs and BBQ food.

When the time for grocery shopping came around I totally wanted to kick my healthy food intake into high gear. Unfortunately, after feeling very uninspired and disinterested in food I seemed to always come back to the one thing I truly have a love/hate relationship with- carbs. Potatoes, pasta, rice, bread…all of it, I don’t discriminate. They’re just so quick to make, go with anything, and make everything taste SO much better. That sounds marvelous and all but they don’t really get along so well with my waistline. That’s where the hate part of this relationship comes in.


I’m obviously regretting my decision to cook a week filled with sandwiches, lasagna, a flour tortilla fueled Mexican night, and waffles (they’re healthy, I swear!) but the money has been spent and the food has been bought so I have to tread carefully and get through it. Portion control, it’s alllllllllllll gotta be about portion control. I’m pretty sure I’ll get through it in one piece but I better start getting inspired now for next week’s (not so carb filled) meals so I don’t have to go through this all over again.

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