birthday gift from my amazeballs husband came early this year. 23 days early to
be exact. Reasoning for such an early gift? So I could take the most amazing
pictures ever in San Francisco with my new camera!! A pretty little Sony NEX 5N
to be more precise.
This is by far the best camera I’ve ever owned. I’ve become so accustomed to photo’s from a point and shoot’s that I’m simply amazed by what this camera can do. The quality of the photo’s in low light made me literally jump up and down. I have about 30 pictures of my dark living room because I just couldn’t get enough of it. Ryan even got into it, too.
Tonight was the first night I actually got to photograph something other than my messy living room

Over the weekend we took our first trip to the Asian market so of course, we kind of went all out on our lil Asian dinner at home..complete with sake bombs. I’m starting to really enjoy our weeknight dinner’s at home much more than going out. Yea, there’s cooking involved but it’s most definitely cheaper, we get to decide how loud or quiet we want it to be, and I get my meal exactly how I want it. Oh, and we don’t have to feel like moron’s banging on the table when we do sake bomb’s..not that that’s a normal occurrence when we go out or anything…
now that I have this huge upgrade in my camera game expect my little obsession
with taking pictures to get a whole lot worse :)
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